used shipping container for office

How to Cut Office Costs by Choosing a Used Shipping Container

The trend of using used shipping container as offices has been on rise in most part of the world. Using these second-hand containers allows businesses to cut costs by providing an already built structure rather than buying a new one. It helps to reduce costs without compromising the functionality or aesthetics. This article will cover numerous benefits of using these second-hand containers, steps on how to convert them, about companies already using them and additional cost-saving tips while using a container as an office.

Understanding Used Shipping Containers

Used shipping containers are large and durable steel boxes previously utilized for shipping goods. These containers are available in many sizes, shapes and materials which are suitable for most office uses. Using second-hand containers for offices will significantly lower the investment a company makes in the initial times compared to purchasing new ones.

office made using used shipping container

Cost-Saving Benefits of Using Used Shipping Containers

1. Initial Purchase Cost

  • Used containers for offices are affordable and can be acquired at a minimal cost compared to the cost of traditional office spaces. This is mostly beneficial for start-ups and small businesses.

2. Reduced Construction Costs

  • The conversion of a container into an office space requires minimal construction compared to building a traditional office. Basic modifications, such as adding windows and doors, making sections, providing seating, and other utilities can transform a simple container into a functional workspace.

3. Low Maintenance Costs

  • Shipping containers are built to withstand harsh conditions, making them highly durable and low maintenance. This reduces long-term upkeep expenses.

4. Energy Efficiency

  • Proper insulation and the use of solar panels can turn your container office into an energy-efficient space, further reducing utility costs.

5. Mobility and Flexibility

  • Used containers for mobile office solutions allow you to relocate your workspace as needed, saving costs associated with renting or purchasing new office space.

Steps to Convert a Used Shipping Container into an Office

office inside used shipping container

1. Planning and Design

  • Depending upon the requirements you are buying a used container plan the layout. Number of people working, way of work, type of company and products, consider these and more factors for layout planning and design.
  • Consider using custom used shipping containers to meet your needs properly

2. Purchasing the Container

  • Find reliable sellers offering refurbished office containers for sale.
  • Ensure the container is in good condition and suitable for conversion.

3. Modifications and Customization

  • Basic modifications like windows, doors, seating area, storage spaces including locks, grills and other materials.
  • Adding utilities like electricity, plumbing, and internet is essential for functionality. Having an attached portable toilet is also a necessity for employees.

4. Obtaining Permits and Complying with Regulations

  • Keeping the Zoning Laws, Building Codes, Construction Permits, Health and Safety Regulations like ventilation and fire safety, Environmental Regulations, Insurance and Local Government regulations in check to have a hurdle free workspace.

5. Interior and Exterior Finishing

  • Focus on office container interior design to create a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment.
  • Choose designing options that fits your budget and create a productive environment.

Real-Life Examples of Cost Savings

1. Google Data Storage

  • Several businesses have successfully implemented converted used containers for office use, showcasing significant cost savings.
  • Google has implemented used shipping containers as a solution for data storage.
  • These recycled shipping containers provides a flexible solution that could be easily integrated into existing infrastructure
  • Read more about Google data storage space build using refurbished shipping containers.

2. Puma Office and Retail Space

  • Puma created a mobile retail and event space using shipping containers, demonstrating innovative office solutions.
  • Puma City, designed by LOT-EK , is a notable example where shipping containers were repurposed into functional office and retail spaces.

Additional Tips for Maximizing Cost Savings


1. Sourcing Affordable Materials

  • Look for long lasting and affordable materials for interiors.
  • Better opt for refurbished materials for interiors decorations and layouts and new materials for other facilities.

2. DIY vs. Hiring Professionals

  • DIY is beneficial in most cases but go for hiring experts when there is a risk to health and human life.
  • Strictly take professional help in electricity, fire safety, plumbing, and other works that are supposed to be done by professionals.

3. Sustainable Practices

  • Incorporate green building practices to further reduce costs and create an eco-friendly workspace.


  • Using used shipping containers for office space is an innovative and cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.
  • By carefully planning and executing the conversion, you can create a functional, aesthetically pleasing office while significantly reducing expenses.
  • Explore your used shipping container options today and take the first step towards an affordable, sustainable office solution.


1. What are the benefits of using a shipping container for office space?

  • Cost savings, durability, and mobility are the primary benefits.

2. Where can I buy used office containers?

  • Look for reputable sellers online and in your local area. Connect with our experts to have a detailed breakdown of used container prices and materials for using as an office.

3. How do I ensure the container meets my office needs?

  • Check if it meets the dimension requirements, and to what extent you can have customizations and ensure the durability of the material.